Our directors and engineers all have a solid background in modernising various types of passenger, heavy-duty goods, car and truck lifts. Due to the extreme carrying capacities, size and amount of lift travel, the majority of the heavy-duty lift modernisations our teams have been involved in, have used hydraulic equipment.
Although our team is best known for their skills and experience in modernising heavy-duty hydraulic lifts, they are all also fully experienced in traction lift modernisation. Construct Lifts can help with a variety of lift modernisations, from a partial modernisation that may cover any of the following: drive systems, lift controllers, shaft equipment (including rams/cylinders), door operating gear, car and landing doors and safety equipment. We also assist with car relines, replacement frames, landing and car signalisation.
We can also help with a full modernisation covering all the above and additionally, if required, undertake the full safe decommissioning and removal of the existing lift/s, disposing of the old equipment to certified specialist waste and recycling centres.
Our directors routinely work with Lift Consultants on specifications, process and final commissioning.
Construct Lifts’ experience and lift modernisation competency covers:
Drive types
- Hydraulic lift installations
- Conventional traction lift installations
- MRL installations
Duty Types – Medium & Heavy
- Passenger Lifts
- Goods Lifts
- Shaft Enclosed Car Lifts
- Truck Lifts
- Hospital Bed Lifts
Our experienced team work with and alongside multinational and independent lift companies, participating in larger projects where Construct Lifts help with specialist installations on landmark sites.